Where Should A Stairwell Light Hang

Where Should A Stairwell Light Hang

Unique spaces need unique lights, and as a stairwell by design is a unique shape

designed to be travelled through, stairwell lights tend to be particularly unique and stand


There are some exceptionally unique light pieces you can choose for your stairwell to take

advantage of the unique shape and height of stairwells. When choosing a stairwell light, be

sure to follow these tips and you will have a safe and beautiful space.

Illuminate From Top To Bottom

Stairwells benefit from several potential light solutions, from wall sconces to step lights to

various kinds of chandeliers and ceiling lamps, but the core principle at all times is that

your stairs need to be well lit.

Staircases can cause a trip and fall hazard, one that is magnified by not being lit. Make

sure you have switches on every floor and any light you choose lights every floor. This is

even more important in the case of stairwells that are more than two floors in height.

Watch Out For Glare

Whilst not having enough lighting is an issue, having too much glare when walking up or

down the stairs can also cause a similar issue. Make sure that your lighting, whilst

sufficient is not overly harsh.

Feel Free To Combine Lights

Outside of other room lights that coincidentally light part of the staircase, there is a range

of lighting options, from practical to statement pieces that you can use. A range of

sconces, recessed stairwell lights and a centrepiece chandelier will combine safety with

beautiful design.