Advice To Use Lighting To Set The Mood

Advice To Use Lighting To Set The Mood

Although the lighting in our homes obviously has a functional purpose, it is much more than that. It’s an important part of the interior design and it can also be used to set the mood in a space.

As an article for House Beautiful recently noted, lighting can be easy to overlook, despite it being one of the most important factors to consider according to the top interior designers.

Several lighting designers shared their top tips with the publication about how to create different kinds of moods in a space. One trend that appears to have, understandably, taken hold in recent months is that of creating a calm and soothing space.

Having lights that you’re able to dim, as well as using candles to provide softer light are among the suggestions. However, you can also use smart technology to create a similar effect.

Another piece of advice if you want to create a calming sanctuary is to unplug your television. As well as softening the light, using fabric like flowing drapes around your windows or patio doors can be another way to create a tranquil mood.

Whatever atmosphere you want to create in your home, it’s important to understand that you should use layers of lighting, the news provider noted.

Introducing reading lights and floor lights, as well as having an overhead light fitting and wall lighting can help you build the layers and make a room look lived in.

The lighting in your home might be an area you wish to explore, given that more of us revealed we had become interested in interior design following lockdown. In fact, 55 per cent of people surveyed by the Home Builders Federation said that they appreciated their space more after lockdown than they had before.